Friday, 5 March 2010

Another day go by

I popped over to see the boys on Thursday and spent a couple of hours down there with them. It was the first time I'd been there on my own with them and it was strange not to see Sarah sitting next to them but she's having a few days off to recover from the non-stop cycle of expressing and travelling ...I just want to put on the record what a wonderful job she has done and how much we all love and care for her...she truly deserves a break.

When I arrived Joe had just been put back onto the high frequency ventilator which helped to get his blood gases better (he's subsequently came off that overnight) and he's settled again...the Doc again confirmed that the only thing they can do is to keep him settled and wait for him to grow so that more options become available such as steroids again. It is really worrying that he seems to be struggling so much...but he's clearly growing and we just pray that he can come through this.

Little Harry is doing well and he had a new bigger ventilation tube put in yesterday and his supplements in his milk are slowly being increased... so he's doing his best...bless him.

Thanks again to everyone who has posted messages and telephoned us with their kind words, we're just sorry that we don't always manage to get back to you...particularly mum who's been ill recently - so this is just for you, mother...get well soon !

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